For the fifth year in a row, I’m writing a year-in-review post (see 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). I couldn’t have even told you I’d been writing on this blog for five years if you’d asked me. While the format has…
Tag: year in review
At the end of every year, I always take some time to reflect on the year just past, and plan for the year ahead. Some years, it feels easy to make a list of a million awesome things I did….
A lot of big things happened at Queen’s this year- donations, new buildings, the revitalization of old buildings, and more. The Queen’s Gazette has captured these events well in it’s recent year-in-review. But to me, it’s not the buildings or…
This is the third time I’ve done a year-in-review on this blog. Usually I go into the process thinking, “Not a whole lot happened this year” and then by the end of the review, I’m all “Okay, this has actually…