I’m going to start this post the same way a high schooler starts an essay: with a definition.
The dictionary defines ‘tomorrow’ as the ‘day after today’. My vocabulary sure seems to disagree.
I said I would wash my dishes ‘tomorrow’, and it’s now several days later. Despite that fact that I’m now finding the occasional fruit fly in my apartment, the dishes are still scattered all over the kitchen.
I bought hamburger so that I could make a casserole for dinner ‘tomorrow’. That hamburger sat in my fridge for a few days before I moved it to the freezer. All of that took place a few weeks ago, and I still haven’t had the casserole.
In early June, I bought new running shoes for that run I was going to go on ‘tomorrow’. Those shoes are still in the box they came in- and the box is still in the bag next to the receipt.
By definition, ‘tomorrow’ may mean ‘the day after today’, but that’s not what most of us mean when we say it.
We mean: “I want to put this off.” “This isn’t something I want to do.” “This is to hard for me to deal with right now.” “Can I please pretend this isn’t something I’ve agreed to do.” “I know I should, but…”.
We mean just about anything but tomorrow.
Tomorrow isn’t real. Tomorrow is an excuse.
When are you going to turn those tomorrows into todays?