January: Just Getting Started

While I didn’t even come close to working towards all of my 2016 goals, I’m very, very satisfied with my January- and there’s 11 more months for the rest of it!

  • I’m on my way to 5K- I’ve reached the “run for 25 minutes straight” portion of my 5K training plan, and while I’m dying, I’m also very, very confident I can do this. I am, admittedly, finding it difficult to find three nights to run when I’m already playing sports two nights a week and skating once. Taking my gym gear to work, however, seems to be a foolproof way of getting me to go to the gym after work.
  • I’ve read 7 books in the month of January, meaning I’m way ahead on the path to 52. Maximizing bus travel and my lunch breaks has been hugely helpful in this area.
  • I had the opportunity to go out for dinner with Kaylee, who was here in Kingston for residency interviews. It was the first time I’d seen her since we graduated almost FOUR years ago, and it was fantastic.
  • I did quite a bit of writing in January, but I also didn’t adhere to 15 minutes a day. It’s very easy to get off track once I’ve taken a day or two off, and I find it extremely difficult to start writing a new post the day after I’ve just finished and posted one. I need some type of transitional writing mechanism, but I just haven’t found it yet. Suggestions welcome!
  • I ordered a new phone last week, which is the first step in entering the world of podcasts!
  • I watched the movie Inside Out (so. good. Just so good.), and also marathoned the first three Hunger Games movies- before realizing that the fourth one wasn’t available to watch yet. Oops.
  • I reviewed program proposals for the NODA Region VII conference, and also signed up to be a program reviewer for the CACUSS conference. The beginning of professional association involvement!

February’s Next Steps:

  • Recommit to writing for 15 minutes everyday, and find ways to write without having to be writing a blog post all the time. They have to exist, right?
  • Finish the 5K running plan (and then keep running), and sign up for an actual 5K race.
  • Incorporate more than just running into the gym routine.
  • Catch up on lessons in Brene Brown’s Living Brave Semester.
  • Download (and listen to) three podcasts.
  • Begin volunteering with 2 different Kingston organizations.
  • Find a way to contribute to a professional organization.
  • Do at least one new thing!
  • Start my mental health project.
  • Do one thing outside Friday night with friends.

Have you kept up with any of your New Year’s Resolutions? How are your 2016 goals progressing?

Featured image by Gia Oris on Unsplash

Nicole Crozier

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