Sometimes, Dreams Really Do Come True

I have just become the ultimate traitor, and I have never been so excited.

Last September, I was hired to work in the Science Advising Centre at Saint Mary’s University. I was offered the job shortly after Dalhousie’s Orientation Week ended- the fourth orientation I had a hand in planning, and the sixth orientation I was around for. This was also shortly after SMU’s Orientation Week, which received national media attention for reasons we’re all likely aware of. The joke amongst my orientation friends was that I was going to SMU to help them fix their O-Week.

At the time, it was just a joke. Now, it’s kind of become a reality.

I’ve just been hired as the Orientation Coordinator at Saint Mary’s University.

I was offered the job last week, and after two weeks of anxiously waiting for HR to do whatever HR does, I finally signed a contract this morning. I start Monday, and already have an office with my name on the door, and my own business cards. I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am, but it’s a lot. A lot a lot a lot.

The job involves, obviously, coordinating Orientation Week, with a particular emphasis on all things leader related (my favourite!). SMU is also looking to implement a lot of peer-based programming around alcohol, mental health, and consent, and that’s also going to fall into my domain. So basically, two of the things that I like the most- orientation and student wellness- have come together in one job, and it’s mine. Have I mentioned I’m really, really excited?

Guys, sometimes dreams really do come true!

Featured image by Alex Holyoake on Unsplash

Nicole Crozier

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